News & Resources

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  • Theme: Wisdom and Discernment Content Selection: The World Mother, The Power of Awareness, The Unending Path, Discerning a New Dawn, The Ancient Wisdom. This issue is packed with interesting content and details of events to take place.
  • Theme: Peace in a Time of Conflict Content selection: Esoteric ecology; Finding joy amidst uncertainty; Theosophy today; Theosophy on war and peace
  • The theme for this issue is The Journey of Self-Transformation and includes articles in Personalising the Wisdom, Moving to Enlightenment, The Mystic Path to Inner Peace and other articles.
  • The Emblem of the Theosophical Society is composed of a number of symbols, all of which have been used from very ancient times to express profound spiritual and philosophical concepts about the human being and the universe.

  • The Convention, 2023, was held in Whanganui, New Zealand from 12 - 17 January with special guests Nancy Secrest and William Meader. This was the warm and uplifting experience, and we are pleased to be able to share some of the presentations.
  • Theme: The inspiration behind the Theosophical Society

    Content includes: Our work; The TS Team; Masters of wisdom; The power of story; Helena Petrovna Blavatsky; Angels of the pines/

  • What is Theosophy? What are its core principles? Is it a religion? Can you be a member of the Theosophical Society and still follow a religion, or be an atheist, or a scientist?
  • Modern Theosophy postulates that the field of existence embraces more than this material and passing reality we perceive through our senses.

  • Tim Boyd was elected the new International President of the Theosophical Society and took office on 28 April 2014. He is the Theosophical Society's eighth President since the Society's founding in 1875.

  • Three Objects of the Theosophical Society The Theosophical Society was formed in New York on 17 November 1875, and incorporated at Chennai (Madras) on 3 April 1905. Its three Objects are: 1) To form a nucleus of the Universal Kinship of Humanity, without distinction of race, ethnicity, creed, gender, sexual orientation, caste or colour. 2) To encourage the study of Comparative Religion, Philosophy and Science. 3) To investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in the human being.